There will be no services on Sunday, December 29. Please take some time to spend with family and God, while preparing for 2025. Happy New Year!

Changed By Jesus

Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. What does that mean? How do we change? The old life is gone; a new life has begun! – 2 Corinthians 5:17
messages from grace fishers church
Foster Care
Spiritual Growth
Hard Times
Grace Fishers
In Foster Care
Suzy Roth
May 1, 2022
How can you trust God in difficult and bad times? How can you use scripture to encourage you when you are down? Hear Jacki's story of struggle and faith.
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Not Needed
Not Needed
Spiritual Growth
Peoples Stories
Grace Fishers
Over the Long Haul
Kevin Roth
May 8, 2022
While we love stories of dramatic transformation, most of our transformation takes place over the long haul. But sometimes the change is invisible, and those stories are easy to miss.
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Spiritual Growth
Grace Fishers
Again and Again
Brad Miller
May 15, 2022
The truth is, your journey is not done. Jesus is continuing to change us
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Not Needed
Baptism and Surrender
Grace Fishers
In the Church
Rob Yonan
May 22, 2022
What kept Judas, who spent so much time with Jesus, from accepting who Jesus was? What keeps us from surrendering our lives to Him?
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